I guess it was an auspicious sign when we counted heads for the visit to the Night Market and dinner in Chinatown. In Chinese superstition eight is a lucky number because it is like the word for prospering. We read about the many couples marrying on the 8th August 2008 because of the triple luck of 08/08/08. My scientific mind says it would have been interesting to compare this cohort with those who got married on 04/04/04 since 4 is deemed an unlucky number. Hmmm… wouldn’t that be interesting.
Anyway I digress. So 8 is lucky, and we were 16 – double the luck. In the picture down below you can see the table at the restaurant which consisted on two round tables pulled together – an 8

We set off on a brisk walk after a debate about the quickest route. With all the conversation we arrived seemingly in no time at all at the market. I am not normally much of a shopper but I acquired a one dollar fan – the humidity was unusually high today and a great pair of dance pants for 12 dollars.
It is amazing what you can find there. I also found a wrist guard for my aching pisiform bone. That’s one of the tiny bones in the wrist. It seems like a nonentity but when you hurt it – it’s not just “ouch” but “oh dear, oh dear, oh dear” (stronger language prohibited by the censor.) I was amused to read on the box containing this neoprene wrist guard, that “if anaphylaxis occurs, discontinue using this product.” Somehow I find the thought, that someone writhing on the ground unable to breath would be capable of even thinking about pulling off the wrist guard, rather funny. Must be my medical background.
Clutching our purchases we crowded into an elevator – so how many KLers can fit into one elevator? – and headed up to the restaurant for a filling and reasonably priced d

See the waiter demonstrating how to eat Peking Duck.
A pleasant walk back through quiet neighborhood streets was a healthy end to a great evening – thanks to our organizer extraordinaire - Susan.
Watch the newsletter and keep your eyes open for the next KL dine out experience, sometime in the fall.
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