“The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem of what to say and how to say it.”
My favorite quote- from Edward R. Morrow.
Yes, I have posted to this newsletter three days in a row, but not to worry. I am using these initial postings to gradually invite the remaining people on our Kings Landing email list to become readers. It just takes a while to enter the addresses and I don’t want to let this consume my entire writing day.
Once we have our readership established and comfortable with the mechanics of accessing and using this forum I hope to restrict the postings to weekly, with additional postings only if needed to convey new information.
By Sunday I hope to have this first part complete and the Sunday Newsletter will be more of a newsletter than an introductory blog.
By the way if any of you want to check out my theatre review blog (it is temporary till my new website is up) here is the link. If you want to read it remember you have to read from the bottom first
I also keep Travelblogues to remind me of the details of my journeys. Here are two examples.
These are more complicated to read as there are a lot of postings so to find the beginning you have to do a bit of work. For the France one this is how you do it.:
Copy the link and paste it into the url section of your browser and hit enter.
The October 1 entry is actually the last. On the right if you click on the last entry in column under recent posts (September 17), then click on bottom entry in previous posts in right column (Paddington)- it takes you to the first posting (The Night Before) which you can click on and begin reading.
So that’s how to read an older blog
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