As I sipped my coffee and watched the sunlight gradually move across the patio I thought about the power of electronic communication.
Earlier this year while looking after my grandchild while her folks were away, I helped her “write” a letter, put it in an envelope which I addressed, and add a stamp. Then we wandered down to the mailbox, detouring to examine all sorts of distracting items – a pine cone, some pebbles, and the neighbour’s cat- before she dropped the letter into the mailbox. This experience will no doubt soon seem somewhat quaint to a child that at three years, already says things like “boot up your computer, granny’, or “the video is fuzzy.”
However I am aware that not everyone in the King’s Landing community is equally computer literate – so here is some information about how this newsletter will work.
Firstly with this newsletter the newest posting will always appear on top. If you are new to the blog and want to read the postings in the order in which they were written you can either scroll down the page or look at the headings in the right column under Blog Archive and click on the first one.
At present readership of this newsletter is restricted to readers who have been granted permission to access it, starting with strata council members and the head concierge. This means that this newsletter is not accessible to the internet blogging community. As I figure out the best way to utilize the various tools, I will expand readership to the rest of the King’s Landing community. However with this system only 100 readers are allowed. So depending on feedback and interest we may open the newsletter to a wider readership.
Two useful tools can be accessed from your Google account. These are Google alerts which you can use to alert you to a new posting in a particular blog and Google Reader -here you can set up a subscription to newsletters or blogs and read different postings without having to head off to the individual website each time.
If you would like more information about this or want to contribute any idea you can add a comment to this posting by clicking on the comment link below. As an example I will add a comment This will also give me a chance to test out the moderation of comments.
There may be a conflict between restricting readership and allowing RSS feeds. I need to consult my trusty Blogging For Dunmmies book i think.
So I can't figure out how to moderate if the comment comes from me!Only another writer. So please send me a comment.
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