Our expanded and "twisted" March Movable Feast is over and despite a few hiccups (pre- feast not as a result of!) was a resounding success. We achieved our objectives of involving folks who had not previously attended our movable feast, and of experimenting with two simultaneous venues to accommodate more people. One of the twists was to draw names out of a hat in the hopes that there would be more opportunity to mix but luck of the draw - the randomness did not end up very randomly.
Most couples ended up at the same location- although we did hear rumours that Tricia sent Bob off with instructions tied to his arm as to how to get home. We also made sure that Fritz and Bob did not leave anywhere at the same time since we did not want another mysterious occurrence of "the missing shoe mystery". However since Sandra and the red stiletto heels were somewhere in Italy, we figured shoes would not cause a problem this time.

As usual there was more food than couple be consumed though we all did our best to expand our waistlines. There did not seem much problem in consuming the wine which was present in even greater quantity. Well, of course no one had to drive home, did they?
Hopefully we will entice even more newcomers in the next event as our Kings Landing community/family grows.
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