Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Trees round 2

Christmas tree decoration events organized by Simone: all welcome

Saturday 29th Nov at 12:30 pm, in Grand Room

Thurs Dec 4th at 6:30 pm

Friday Dec 5th at 1 pm

For questions contact Simone at (604) 608 2501 or

Christmas Tree Decoration - round 1 - want to help?

A message from Simone

I have been asked to oversee the Christmas decorations for the six trees that will be in our buildings.

Michael called me today and asked if I could decorate at least one tree in the Grand Room tomorrow afternoon.There will be a private party there tomorrow (saturday) evening and they have requested a decorated tree.

Hence, I am calling out to all of you to see if anyone and everyone can come out at 1230 pm on Saturday andput this together.

I was originally thinking that anyone who is alone, or, loves to get into the spirit or that has chidren that might findthis a fun project, as well as any newcomers to our buildings.

Look in the Newsletter or Facebook, for the other dates that I have chosen for doing the other trees. I picked an afternoon and an early evening timeslot to accomodate working people and families.

I really hope that a lot of you get back to me and come out to help, so that it feels like a "family" event, rather thana "chore". I am not very creative and I am really counting on your contribution.

The trees and the decorations are provided so it is just a matter of making them beautiful.

From Simone

Friday, November 14, 2008

Winter Cleaning and surveys

What to do when the wind is howling like a banshee and whipping up the waters of False Creek like beaters stirring a batter? I went on a filter changing, appliance cleaning rampage. As I was rinsing the dishwasher filters I found myself wondering how good most of us are at keeping to the suggested care schedules for our appliances.

So there is a new anonymous survey on the front page of the newsletter. I am also curious to see how many replies I get, to give me an idea if the newsletter is worth keeping up as a form of communication for our residents.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Swiss Night Number One

The intrepid Linda and Brian, decided before heading off on vacation, to host two nights of Swiss food.

Racelette and fondue were served with copious amounts of wine, red and white as you can see from the pictures.

You can read about it at Gillian's Kitchen

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Opus Hotel Restaurant Plan

Folks, did you know about this proposal for a rooftop luxury restaurant at the Opus Hotel? It sounds like a great idea - I have been to cocktail type functions and also had excellent meals in their Elixir Bistro. Apparently their application is coming up for final approval this Friday at City Hall.

John Evans of Opus Hotels writes "Opus Vancouver and Trilogy Properties has been working for more than two years on seeking City of Vancouver approval to develop a 250 seat, luxury, world-class restaurant on the rooftop of Opus Vancouver. The new restaurant would provide outdoor amenity space to hotel guests, local neighbours and Vancouver residents.

WE ARE CONFIRMED, for this coming Friday, Nov. 7th at 6 p.m. at Vancouver City Hall."

Check out their Facebook group if you want to find out more

Halloween at KL

Marilyn G describes Halloween night at KL:

It was a dark and stormy night this recent All Hollow's Eve in the King's Landing Grand Room. Ghosts, goblins, and witches appeared late in the afternoon and were soon joined by a couple of desert sheiks and three Cleopatras (two Egyptian and one very "Foxy"). The foxy one with an amazing Afro was escorted by a cool-looking Dr. No. The Good Witch of the North (aka Nana Linda) showed up with Senor Nacho Libre whose costume was enhanced by a hubcap and a sexy thong - you had to be there to believe it.

In the meantime, Vincent VanGogh was wandering around looking for his lost ear in between glasses of wine. Soon the Kebob King and Queen of King's Landing came in with their Costco cart full of Persian delicacies and the party really took off. Spotted in the crowd were a lounge lizard sommelier, a tiny pussycat, and a 1930s Berlin version of the Blues Brothers complete with natty derbies, and a couple of clowns.

Our own Italian Sister Basilica is seen in the photo praying for the souls of the punk ballerina and the tramp shown in the accompanying photo. Her prayers must have been heard, as an angel appeared later complete with wings and red patent leather pumps, followed by a more sedate-looking priest. The winners of the best costume contest? The two refugees from the recent financial collapse who could easily have gotten a part in "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime". And their prize? A box of plastic eyeballs!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Check out review of True Believers - worth seeing

The Vancouver Theatre scene, and therefore my Theatre Seen, is very active at the moment. Check out my review of True Believers at the Waterfront Theatre on Granville Island. Three new plays by BC writers- worth supporting.

here is the link

Also check out my review of Cyrano de Bergerac at Stanley

Sorry I missed the Halloween party. Does anyone have digital pictures for the newsletter?