A message from Simone
I have been asked to oversee the Christmas decorations for the six trees that will be in our buildings.
Michael called me today and asked if I could decorate at least one tree in the Grand Room tomorrow afternoon.There will be a private party there tomorrow (saturday) evening and they have requested a decorated tree.
Hence, I am calling out to all of you to see if anyone and everyone can come out at 1230 pm on Saturday andput this together.
I was originally thinking that anyone who is alone, or, loves to get into the spirit or that has chidren that might findthis a fun project, as well as any newcomers to our buildings.
Look in the Newsletter or Facebook, for the other dates that I have chosen for doing the other trees. I picked an afternoon and an early evening timeslot to accomodate working people and families.
I really hope that a lot of you get back to me and come out to help, so that it feels like a "family" event, rather thana "chore". I am not very creative and I am really counting on your contribution.
The trees and the decorations are provided so it is just a matter of making them beautiful.
From Simone